Welcome to the Proto-College of St Aemigdius
The College of St Aemigdius is currently dormant - many of our members have moved on from our studies. The Shire of Darton, our parent group, is still active. The Shire's website can be found here. The College of St Aemigdius is a group dedicated to recreating the many and divers aspects and activities of the Middle Ages and Renaissance. We are a branch of the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) based at the Victoria University of Wellington, in New Zealand. At our many and varied practices and events, our members are involved in singing, dancing, fighting with armour and with rapiers, costuming, embroidery calligraphy and illumination, carpentry, blacksmithing, archery, cooking, drinking, and feasting... Our parent group, the Shire of Darton, is also based in Wellington. You can see their site here. Who was St Aemigdius?St Aemigdius is an ancient Saint, the patron saint of protection against Earthquakes, and hence is particularly appropriate to Wellington, a city perched upon a faultline. His symbol is the palm leaf, which is represented in our heraldic device, above left. How can I find out more?The College is not currently active - many of our members have moved on from our studies. The Shire of Darton, our parent group, is still active. The Shire's website can be found here. They are the people to contact if you are interested in getting involved with the SCA in Wellington, or reviving the College at the Victoria University of Wellington. If you are interested in learning more about the College of St Aemigdius, or getting involved with us, contact our Chatelaine or our Seneschal, Jennett of St Aemigdius. In addition, take a look at our page for newcomers. Another great way to get involved is to join our Mailing List, where you can hear about practices and events, ask questions, and participate in discussions with the local populace.
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